The real advantage of RP technologies lay in their quick turnaround time and ability to hold relatively tight tolerances - regardless of part geometry. Parts that may not be machinable, or even manufacturable by means of injection molding are not constrained from being "grown" on a SLA machine.
To take full advantage of all these RP variables, Rocket Prototypes, Inc. has teamed up with key outside service bureaus that specialize in different and specific areas of RP technologies. This in turn gives you the advantage of Rocket Prototypes, Inc. managing all of your Rapid Prototyping needs.

The advent of rapid prototyping since its birth in the early 1990s has revolutionized the way many models and prototypes are made and used. Rapid Prototyping is a blanket term that covers technologies such as SLA, SLS, 3DP, FDM and more - basically any technology that produces a 3D part through an additive layered process. 

For each one of these technologies, there are multiple materials, with dozens of properties, and can range from polymers to metals and now even some hybrid materials.The small feature definition, as well as the ever broadening selection of materials, makes rapid prototyping an excellent process to initiate many prototypes.